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執筆者の写真Frederick Lauer


私たちの不安や心配は、"未来に心配がないように"という要求によって形作られているように思います(特に西洋では)。しかし、もちろん私たちはそのような保証を得ることはできません。未来はペンを持ってそこに座り、特定の契約書にサインすることを拒否しているのです。東洋哲学やスピリチュアリティの影響を強く受けたイギリスの哲学者、アラン・ワッツは、"未来は本質的に未知であること"を私たちに気づかせてくれます。「もし......私たちが確実な未来なしに幸福に生きることができないとしたら、どんなに良い計画を持ってしても事故が起こり、最後に死が訪れる有限の世界で生きることに適応していないことは確かである。」 つまり、幸せになる為に未来へ苦しみがないことを求めると、幸せになれないということです。それは、海を航海する前に、海を完全に静止させることを要求するようなものです。






ニュースを消し、必要な時以外はスマートフォンをしまい、目の前のことに集中すべきかもしれない。だがもし、これがすべての親の心配の解決策にならないのであれば、統計が役に立つかもしれない。 制限の多い子供時代、ストレスを多く与えてしまう管理体制、リスクを避けるような子育て、これらすべてが子供にとって悪い結果をもたらす一方で、自由な遊びはほとんど常に利益をもたらします。子どもにとって、自分の人生を自分でコントロールすることほど素晴らしいことはありません。


-ブリティッシュコロンビア大学小児科准教授 マリアナ・ブルッソーニ氏



私にとっても、こうした冒険には不安がつきものです。時々彼らは境界線を踏み外し、私たちが踏み込まなければならないようなことをするのです。でもたいていの場合、屋外での子どもたちは互いに友好的です。そして、よりクリエイティブな遊びをするようになります。より強い絆で結ばれ、冒険の物語をたくさん持って帰ってくるのです。 私たちのやり方を批判する親もいることでしょう。しかし、私たちの子どもたちはこの経験によって強くなり、勇敢になり、不規則な切り傷や擦り傷、悪天候、暑さや寒さ、その他の感覚的な注力に対してより耐性があるように見えることは事実です。また、彼らは私たちを巻き込むことなく、すべての問題を屋外で解決する傾向があります。むしろ親が監視しない分、夕食の前に手と足を洗えば、自由に遊ぶことができるのです。












Where have all the children gone?

Our anxieties and insecurities, particularly it seems in the West, are shaped by our demand that the future be free from worry. But of course we can’t ever have such assurance. The future sits there with pen in hand, refusing to sign that particular contract. Alan Watts, a British philosopher heavily influenced by Eastern philosophy and spirituality, reminded us that the future is inherently unknown. “If . . . we cannot live happily without an assured future, we are certainly not adapted to living in a finite world where, despite the best plans, accidents will happen, and where death comes at the end.” So, in other words, if we demand the future be free from suffering in order to be happy, we can’t be happy. It is like demanding the sea be entirely still before we sail on it.
Matt Haig

It seems like there is a growing trend among young parents preventing their children from playing unsupervised outside. In fact, it’s increasingly rare, even in the rural community I live in, to see children playing freely outdoors without constant surveillance by adults. Recent research suggests this decline is precipitous. The average age for unsupervised play is on the rise, and because of this the average age that most children start to take risks is starting later in their childhood. We know from research that a risk-free childhood leads to poor judgment in adulthood, and a lack of self-confidence among other things.

Some of this preference for highly supervised indoor time has to do with the intrusion of school, and after school activities in the lives of children. Between hours of unnecessary homework, and practice for sporting events/extracurricular activities, some children simply don’t have extra time to be outdoors. As academia further encroaches on childhood, children are simply too busy to be children. Many are encumbered by more tasks than the average adult. It’s hard work to be a kid these days.

However, part of this trend to keep kids indoors stems from fear. For many new parents, everything seems dangerous. It’s a rare thing to watch children playing outdoors without a referee adult reigning in their activities toward adult-acceptable levels of risk. From the frantic, “stop that! That’s dangerous!” to the parents who rush to stop children from touching, exploring, or experiencing anything deemed inappropriate, it seems as though the role of parent has changed from provider and mentor, to the sole arbiter of proper behavior. In the West, these parents have often been referred to as Helicopter Parents. This term is more pejorative than it is a compliment.

This tendency to favor control with an aversion to the outdoors isn’t necessarily something that’s taken centuries to develop. If anything, it’s happened so rapidly that it may be a shock for many in my generation how little the youth today get to experience without adult involvement. This increase in coddling indoors has coincided rather conveniently with the rise of media availability, and the ubiquity of inputs from technologies we can simultaneously call miracles, and shackles. From stranger danger, to the never-ending horror stories about children disappearing into waterways, being hit by traffic, killed in senseless shootings, forgotten in vehicles on hot days, there are few days parents that live a day without their anxieties being stoked. It’s only natural, after hearing about the worst that can happen to your loved ones, to sometimes catastrophize, seek control, and try to intervene. For kids that means no more playing by the river, never talking to strangers, and always obeying the orders of adults. But in reality, the dangers facing children aren’t that pronounced, and these particular accidents are rare. Media sensationalizes events, and turns the emotions of adults against the freedoms of children. Schools and school officials engender a sense of restlessness in parents by suggesting that their children will fail in life if they don’t fall in line. Perhaps the emotional zeitgeist of our contemporary epoch is marked by anxiety and worry.

There’s an age old saying that ignorance is bliss. And, maybe knowing less of all the statistically improbable tragic ends that can befall us would make it easier for us to not only live or own lives with deep joy and meaning, but to resist the urge to insert ourselves into the lives of others. Perhaps we ought to turn off the news, stow our smartphones away for all but the most necessary of needs, and focus on our immediate circumstances. And if this isn’t an anodyne to all parents worry then perhaps statistics can be helpful, most of them point towards nearly all our fears being unreasonable. Restrictive childhoods, stressful levels of control, and risk-averse parenting all lead to poor outcomes for children, whereas unrestricted free-play almost always has benefits. There are few better things to give a child than control over their own life.

Not so long ago, in 1979, one of the milestones of being a 6 year old was whether or not you could travel alone in a neighborhood to the store, school, playground, or to a friend's home. Now, few six year olds are trusted to step outside without adult supervision, much less explore their surroundings. In the school I work at, children are even meant to create “agreements” (read, forced to agree), to particular rules that inhibit their movement outside of school. They can only go so far by bike, and only at a certain age. They have to use the bus. They’re meant to study for so many hours, and in particular ways. They’re not allowed to interact with strangers. Indeed, after hours being in a school environment where every action is judged, they find no solace at home. The harsh rules of the school environment are matched with equal harsh rules outside of school. Of the hundreds of children I have asked about these restrictions, not a single child has ever had a positive response.

Seeing children engaged in risky play helps us realize that they’re much more capable than we think. When they’re given the chance, even very young children show clear abilities to manage risks and figure out their own limits. We just have to open our eyes and be willing to see what is in front of us. And most importantly, get out of the way to give them a chance to experiment for themselves. The potential for learning is enormous.
-Mariana Brussoni, Associate Professor of Pediatrics, University of British Columbia

Now, I wouldn’t be a faithful early childhood practitioner if I didn’t practice what I preached. And, I can only speak anecdotally. But in our household we regularly let our children (6 years old and 3 years old) play outside together without supervision. And, what has happened? Occasionally parts of my vegetable garden I’d prefer not dug up are, and I get a bit frustrated. Our house's entrance is generally always strewn about with toys, bicycles, and the aftermath of that day’s experiment. Numerous bug boxes are filled with unwilling occupants, soon to be subjected to yet another round of inspections. Together, our children have taken walks 300 meters away from our home in search of skinks, frogs, and other critters for their experiments and learning.

Occasionally one of our children comes inside asking for a bandage, having fallen down, or cut themselves on one object or another. Once, we even had a village police officer bring our oldest home: he’d gone across the street to talk to a ground survey crew that was placing seismometers along roadways. To be fair, he has successfully crossed streets without incident, obeys streetlights and traffic laws, and is generally aware of the dangers of the road. And, I personally am proud that he’s confident enough to approach a stranger and ask about something he’s interested in. I think kids should always be able to talk to strangers, they should never go off with them. For me, some of these adventures come with anxiety. Occasionally they step out of bounds, and do things that require us to step in. But, for the most part, outdoors the kids are more amicable to each other. They’re more creative in their play. They bond more strongly, and come back with ample stories of their adventures. I am sure some parents will probably judge our approach. But the fact remains that our kids seem stronger for the experience, braver, and definitely more resilient to things like the random cut and scrape, as well as inclement weather, hot and cold, and other sensory inputs. They also tend to address all of their problems outdoors, without calling us into the fray. If anything, as parents, our not being there to surveil them allows them the chance for true liberty in their play, as long as they wash their hands and feet before sitting down to dinner.

But what do I really want? I want more parents to do the same, for the simple fact that when children get together, that’s when the real magic of play happens. When children interact with others, of different ages and abilities, that’s when they truly learn. Children learn far more from their peers than they do from school, or even from their parents. And for the fact that despite all the times my oldest son goes outside looking for adventure, he often comes back frustrated that he’s the only one out there. The world’s just not as fun as a kid when you’re at it alone.

As little as four decades ago children were able to spend an entire day adventuring away from home, relishing in the secret affairs they had away from their parents. They learned resilience, responsibility, and how to interact with others simply by being given the opportunity and space to be themselves. And now they’re rarely given the opportunity to just be with their friends. By the time they’ve finished all of the tasks they’ve been given by adults, it’s time for dinner, bath, and bed.

Where can we start to let go and let grow more? The first start would be in trusting our children. Asking them questions to make sure they’ve thought through their adventures might help assuage some of our concerns. Sometimes it’s surprising to hear their answers. Generally because most children are far more thoughtful than we give them credit for.

Also, just asking your children if there is any particular challenge they’d like to undertake might be a great place to start. We recently let our oldest take his brother to a nearby convenience store to buy candy. While we didn’t anticipate our youngest making the whole trip barefoot, in the rain, we watched from a distance as they made their way safely through stop lights, to the store, bought their candy, and came home. Our oldest even managed to keep our youngest on the path, and away from harm's reach. The result of this? An undeniable sense of accomplishment for our oldest, and a stronger connection between brothers.

Without the freedom to be outdoors in adventures of their choosing, perhaps it’s only natural that today’s children far prefer lives and adventures lived out in video games. When you give it some thought, it’s one of the only places they’re truly free to explore and experiment. Parents likely prefer this arrangement too, as the child immersed in a virtual world or placed in front of a screen is at little risk physically from the real world. And while video games have recently shown to have positive effects, especially cognitively for children, they’re a poor simulation of life. Time in front of screens is time taken away from physical activity and active discourse with other humans.

Furthermore, even this temporary oasis for children is under constant threat from the fears and anxieties of adults. Children simply want freedom in their lives, they want control over their choices. We’re taking away those choices outdoors, and now we’re encroaching on their lives indoors. It remains to be seen how drastic the outcomes of such rigorous surveillance will be, but surely being judged throughout life must result in stress, anxiety, and a lack of self-confidence.

We adults need to do our very best to step out of the way, and do our best to stop judging the choices of children. Rather than share this world with children as their dictators, we ought to view them as our equals, for surely one day they will be responsible for choices that impact us as well. But now, during their childhood, where every day and every moment influences who they become, perhaps it's best that we just enjoy their journey as observers. Besides, if we really want to learn who our children are, what they love, and what gives their lives meaning, one of the best methods is to simply observe them in their play.

And now, without further ado, here is a collection of media from our October sessions and camps!





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