※ English Follows Japanese カムイキッズが将来のプログラムについて計画を立てているとき、私は子供と教育について、とても深い役に立つ会話をたくさんしていることに気がつきました。
個性を発揮すれば、叱責される。自由を求めると嘲笑される。 職場には、大人は辞めるという選択肢がある。子どもにはそれがない。
大人が自分の立場を捨て、子どもたちと同じ視点に立ったパートナーとなること。大人は、子どもたちを監視したくなる気持ちを抑え、子どもたちに必要なプライバシーを提供することが必要です。 そして何よりも、子どもたちが抱える問題を深く理解し、子どもたちにより良いものを提供しようとする献身的な姿勢が必要なのです。
As Kamui Kids starts to plan for our future programming, I have found myself in a number of very deep, and very helpful conversations about childhood and education. Among moves in the Mogami Area to strengthen conventional education models (set/state sponsored curriculums, little academic freedoms, heavy assessments, and in general heavy management of students), we have been focusing strongly on offering an alternative. Because, in all honesty, not only is it time for one, but it’s the right thing to do. I spent a few hours with a friend last week touring some abandoned schools in the Mogami area. This area of Japan has had some of the steepest declines in population and birthrates, and many of its resident youth choose life in metropolitan areas, over the bucolic life in the country. This could be for any number of reasons, but a lack of diversity in job prospects and opportunities probably plays a pretty crucial role in their decisions. More and more time in school is focused on the tangible results of schooling (metrics, homework, class hours), and less time is spent in civic projects where children might form lasting relationships and shared values for their communities, or intangible/immeasurable parts of life that make it worth living. I feel there are many who sense this crisis, who ask the schools to do more, but the conventional classroom is hamstrung by the demands of the states, and the fears of caregivers. In some respects our current system isn’t all that old, but for the vast majority of those who have children in schools, or who are working now, they haven’t ever had the opportunity to experience an alternative. It’s an understandable fear that not being in a mainstream system may someday result in a negative outcome for the individual. It’s hard for many to implicitly trust children to know what’s best for them, and to let them find their own way, but I insist that it’s essential. While many children adapt well and do well in school environments, there are a growing number of students who do not. Japan has seen a precipitous decline in its population, with a growing number of youth who refuse to go to school, and an increasing number of young adults who find little satisfaction in their lives. For many, society now seems to press a myth on to the younger generation, that more than a decade of servitude in a system will lead to a better life, but it simply does not. It cannot because schools, by design, segregate and judge. Schools, by design, determine who will be successful, and who will not. Schools pass and fail, and failure is often unapologetically not acceptable. For schools, only students can fail, with little attention paid to the system or the teachers. School defines what it means to be a “useful” person, and students who do not fit that mold often do not reap the benefits of society at large.
Being in the position we are as facilitators at Kamui Kids, we are often privy to some wonderful conversations with children. They’re illuminating, and invigorating. Illuminating because, despite the tendency for many adults to label children and to identify their deficits, it’s abundantly clear to me that the children know what’s best for them and they know they’re being judged. They know quite clearly that what they’re doing isn’t worth their time. For example, some students who go on to public elementary schools lament over how boring it is. How nothing sparks their interests, and how the majority of their time is just listening to adults talk, filling out paperwork, and doing endless homework assignments at home. These homework assignments, mind you, aren’t done because the children find value or learning, they’re done because the children fear the wrath of their teachers and others. Children are micromanaged, and rarely ever make it through a day without some comment about where they should improve. With all this time spent in pursuits they don’t care about, working to become a person others think they should be, they don’t have time to be themselves.
Older students are similarly critical at how teachers can, without any thought of the students, change schedules at a moment's notice to fill the class hours in what the state determines to be a more important educational path. An emphasis on STEM means that art classes are no longer prioritized, even for the students whose lives would greatly benefit from more time in that mode of expression. The same children scoff at the idea from adults that they need to spend time on things they’re not interested in, or good at, so that they will become interested and good at them. To them, with absolutely no motivation other than to avoid judgment, children spend countless hours in classes which likely lead to little learning.
And, the unfortunate fact is that none of this is new to the world of education. Perhaps it's just that children have finally reached a tipping point. With little future prospects worth pursuing, school just becomes a prison; a place they are forced to be at with tasks they’re compelled to do with little concern for their interests. When they exercise their individuality, they’re reprimanded. When they seek freedom, they’re ridiculed. In the workplace, adults have the option to quit. Children don’t have that option. When children quit school, they’re labeled as a problem. They simply cannot escape the pressures of the system, choosing instead to isolate. But, is a child who finds school to be an improper use of their life’s limited time and resources really a problem, or are they just acutely aware of their own needs? Aren’t they simply reacting to the absence of any need fulfillment from schooling? Perhaps it’s time we stop labeling children who refuse schooling as a problem, and instead look more closely at the reasons why. There are models of education that put the child first. Not simply progressive styles of education that are learning centered, but still push children through set curriculums, instead there are models that put the responsibility for one’s education on the student’s shoulders, and then trust them to know what’s best. Rather than a shotgun approach that floods children with potential avenues of interest through shallow/complex curriculums, there are alternatives. These alternatives simplify the curriculum by making it emergent; it comes from the interests and motivations of children, and allows them the time and space to investigate problems of interest deeply. And unlike conventional schooling, it allows children to fail and learn from their failures without fear of judgment or reprimands.
But these models require something that is incredibly difficult for adults: a full and embodied trust and respect of children. It requires adults to trust that children know what they’re interested in, and what’s best for their well-being. It requires adults to respect the voice of a child, and allow them the ability to affect change in their environment. It requires adults to let children collaborate on aspects of their education and schools that hitherto have only been accessible by adults. It requires adults to be subject, equally, to the assessment of students and to perhaps one day be told they are not the best teachers for that child. It requires adults to let go of the pride of their positions, and instead partner with children at the same level. It requires adults to temper their tendencies to surveil children, and to provide them with all the privacy they need. It requires, more than anything, a profound understanding of the challenges of childhood and a dedication to do better by children.
And really, anything less is unacceptable. Forcing children through a set curriculum, with some opportunities for them to choose electives, is still an infringement of their rights. Allowing children to add their voice to a decision, but not allowing that voice to have power for the outcome, is an infringement of their rights. Harping on the idea that it’s okay to fail, while simultaneously punishing children for doing so is an infringement of their rights. Not allowing children to fully express their multifaceted emotions without judgment is an infringement of their rights. In short, if we wouldn’t do the same to another adult, we ought never take that action with a child.
In a recent interview with 先端教育 I alluded to many of the same things I write about here. Really, giving children the power to live, and to be themselves, starts with implicitly trusting them. We trust the children who come to our forest kindergarten to know their limits, to know their fears and abilities, and to work within those limits. The children always challenge them, of course, but this builds resilience and a sense of perseverance that cannot be taught. They work together with other children, of various ages and abilities toward common goals, and in the process learn how to communicate, and learn the rules of the society that’s most important to them. They’re allowed to fail, to get into arguments, to express their feelings. And for many, this atmosphere full of freedom to be and freedom of expression is a paradise to them. For us, it’s an indication that we need to do more, and work to build a permanent place for children to explore even deeper the interests they hold. We have a lot of things to think about, but the road to doing better by children is full of fascinating growth and learning. At Kamui Kids, we couldn't be happier to be part of this work.