
これから私とあやさんは、この夏のキャンプイベントの宣伝や、準備の様子をお伝えしていきます。セッションも開催予定です 7月の概要はこんな感じです。
7月2日 森のようちえん
7月3日 つくらぼ手形体験(新庄市)
7月9日 森のようちえん
7月16日 森のようちえん
7月17日 親子川遊びの日
7月18日 森のようちえん
7月23日 森のようちえん
7月24日 森のようちえん
7月30日 森のようちえん
Given the opportunity, children’s nature is to actively engage the process: build a worldview, explore its possibilities, discover limitations, upgrade to a new one. The driving force is children’s inborn impulse: to learn, to grow, to leap to higher orders of thinking, to join in community, to create and transcend self.
-Jim Rietmulder
Reviewing the photos for this blog post brought me face to face with the staggering amount of activity we’ve been involved in for the past couple weeks. As more and more people notice our programs, we’ve had to work harder and harder, but it’s all worth it. Because, at the core of our work are the children. Everything we do at Kamui Kids is predicated on creating environments that allow children to thrive, to be human, and to engage in life in a way that is truly theirs. We feel blessed when we’re noticed, and when we’re given the opportunity to work with even more children, and fill even just a partial day with freedom and play.
I took part in an interview with a prominent education magazine yesterday, which I hope to share with you in the following weeks, and was posed again the question of what we’re hoping to instill in the children. And, really, it’s best summed up in our interview with NHK, we’re hoping to help children find the power to thrive, to live, to be genuine in the face of adversity and uncertainty. We want the children we work with to know who they are deeply. We know the only person who has the right to determine who a child is, is that child themselves.
In the past two week so many of the pieces of our vision have been coming together. We secured a new car to transport children to our field sites, and named her Willow–because when we bought her she was pure white like the inner layers of a willow tree whose bark has been removed. And really, willow is such an amazing tree: it helps fortify banks, can be crafted into many different objects, and the salicin it produces has helped ward off pain in the form of aspirin for generations. It’s a truly remarkable tree, and we wanted to make our vehicle remarkable as well, which you’ll see later.
On one of our last session days in June, we had a number of professors and students from Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University join us in the field. They were present as part of a survey course, and had come to Mogami County to check out a few of the interesting projects going on. After visiting Kaneyama’s Megotama and their therapy farm, they came to Shinjo’s Citizen Forest to spend the afternoon with Kamui Kids.
The children were enamored with everyone! They found great delight in showing the new attendees what was quickly becoming their territory. The children pointed out all the interesting creatures they found, and spoke gregariously about their adventures and abilities. Having just met nearly all of these adults for the first time, most of the children showed little hesitation in inviting them to play. It was a pretty hot day, so we spent a good portion of it in the shade, swinging from the tree branches on an improvised swing.
After a day's rest and preparation, Aya-san and I then headed off to Kanagawa, to take part in a hybrid Wilderness First Aid course. We found it prudent to take on this training given that we’ll be responsible for so many children this summer. And, the training was truly a great experience. We learned how to provide first aid for a variety of different injuries and issues, and we came away with a much greater respect for risk. The training also helped us feel more comfortable with our work in the field as we now know how to address a wide variety of problems, and help children be more safe as they engage in risky play.
When the training was done, Aya and I spent an afternoon in Tokyo enjoying some art at the National Museum of Modern Art. We really needed the break, because we filled every day after that with work, preparing for our summer camps, facilitating a forest kindergarten and holding a workshop event in Shinjo.
Our most recent Forest Kindergarten was at the Izumita river. Our primary heat mitigation plan this summer is to spend as much time as possible in the cool waters of Mogami County. The children loved the cold water, and the opportunity to float down the river. We found some neat wildlife, and spent most the day either just enjoying the feeling of the water, or searching for mini-beasts. Many of the children challenged their boundaries that day, as the water was quite powerful in some parts, for others the water was too cold to begin with, and even still for others too deep. However, by the end of the day the children were all laughing, soaked from head to toe, and no one seemed phased by the depth of the water any more. At the end of the day, we were greeted with some of the best parting words we always love to hear: “I don’t want to go!”.
Sunday was a big day for us as we held our first handprint event in Shinjo at Tsukurabo. Part of our crowdfunding in January was allowing supporters to put their handprint and names on our forest kindergarten vehicle. We held a big event to paint the van, and the children really enjoyed painting on such a large canvas. Honestly, we probably have the coolest van in the world right now: check it out.
Alongside the painting we also work with children to make flags, by hammering out the color in leaves onto pure white tenugui. We then let the children peel the bark of willow sticks, and attached the flags with paracord to their sticks. Everyone seemed delighted to run around waving their flags throughout the day.
In the coming weeks Aya-san and I will be heavily promoting our camping events this summer, and sharing updates on our preparation. We’ll also be holding sessions! Here’s an overview of July:
We’d love to have you join us! Remember you can always book a session here: