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「起業家の仕事は、不思議に思うこと、想像すること、夢見ることです。自分の頭と心の中のどこかにある、宙に浮いた可能性をできる限り自分の力で見出すこと。過去ではなく、未来に。それが、起業家の人格が、ビジネスを始めるときやその途中のすべてのステージで行う仕事なのだ。どうだろう。どうなんだろう。どうだろう? すべての発明家がそうであるように。すべての作曲家がそうであるように。すべての芸術家、すべての職人、すべての物理学者がそうでなければならないのと同じように。すべてのパイ職人がそうであるように。私はそれを「未来の仕事」と呼んでいる。I wonder`は、起業家的人格の真の仕事である。
The best present we can give children is the present.
“So the work of an Entrepreneur is to wonder; to imagine and to dream. To see with as much of herself as she can muster the possibilities that waft about in midair someplace there above her head and within her heart. Not in the past but in the future. That’s the work the entrepreneurial personality does at the outset of her business and at each and every stage along the way. I wonder. I wonder. I wonder. Just as every inventor must. Just as every composer must. Just as every artist, or every craftsperson, or every physicist must. Just as every baker of pies must. I call it Future Work. `I wonder` is the true work of the entrepreneurial personality.”
Michael E. Gerber
Our world today is hyper-future focused. In some ways perhaps we need to be. There’s no doubt that the future we’ve imagined, however dystopian it is, is reason enough to seek change. Globally it might be wars, climate change, and land-use changes. More locally in Japan we focus increasingly on challenging future demographic landscapes caused by a reduction in birthrates and its subsequent sibling increased aging, not to mention the countless communities that disappear along the way. We talk about the economic fragility of Japan, its overreliance on tourism, imports, and exogenous production of goods. We talk about the poor level of food security in Japan, where we rely heavily on imported foodstuffs. We talk about the abandonment of farmland. We are anxious about the mental rifts in society that leave youth in a state of stupor; unwell, malaise and apathetic.
These futures we try our best to avoid, mostly through mass education that disseminates knowledge whether it's of interest or not. Our focus is avoidance, but rarely does our focus shift to generative, or even better, regenerative patterns of thought. Perhaps it’s time that we stopped focusing on avoiding undesirable, unlivable futures, and instead create environments that foster mindsets toward these generative futures.
In fact, the future doesn’t exist. Every notion of the future is simply that, a notion. We can make endless predictions about what might happen tomorrow, and fail to foresee critical details that derail our expectations. Life is simply too random, too stochastic to be foretold fully via scientific inquiry. The only things we really have are the moments we live in now. Even the past, though it surely serves as evidence for who we all become, is something we cannot return to or change. We can measure ourselves against the past, and in the present create the changes we seek.
At every moment in history someone, somewhere, has come up with an idea that is attached to a future of their making. They grow these ideas into tangible outcomes, programs, business, products, art, or stories. Many do this because of an abundance of wonder for their world, or a passionate dedication toward change. Many entrepreneurial exercises help effect real change in our world now, and give our world citizens choices and alternatives to live better lives. The smallest of businesses are often born out of the biggest of dreams, dreams that sought to catch an opportunity and make a new reality.
Not every business is life changing. Not every business is good. Not every business is regenerative, and many deeply and profoundly change our world for the worse. But the mindsets that brought them about are the mindsets we need to address some of our biggest anxieties. The enemy of change must surely be fear. This fear of change, however, is something I believe we have been taught. It is not something we’re born with. For centuries now we’ve reorganized the world into a series of dichotomous ideals: good and bad, right and wrong, humane and inhumane, just and unjust. We’ve moved the marker of humanity from living a life full of meaning, to a life full of successes. Despite failure being a necessary component of success, we’ve grown to abhor it. We valourize those who have become exceptional, shading out the beautiful asymmetry of the rest of the world. Our overzealous attention to success might be just the culprit that has us now consumed with anxieties of the future.
But, perhaps just as the future is a social construct, so is success and failure. Do we really need to judge whether the outcomes of someone’s trials have merit? Do we really need to create programs and systems that promote only one way to live? Is life merely the pursuit of financial security, or should we focus more on the relationships between people, on the skills for living a good life, on love, acceptance, and the sheer joy of being alive? Why is it that the person who chooses to live a life full of meaning, over money, becomes a pariah instead of a guiding light? Why is it that our societies tend to drive these people to the fringes? Some of the happiest people I have met have been those who have given up earthly pleasures for a life more attuned to living on the land. They’re also some of the most honest people, unafraid to speak their truths. These people don’t think too much of the future, rather they’re focused almost entirely on the present. Without thought of the future, there’s not much room for anxiety. Without focusing on success or failures, every new experience or journey becomes something to celebrate. Removing goal orientation from living isn’t always a bad thing. But what of focusing on the future? What might that bring about? Take for example contemporary agriculture. Once the lifeblood of humanity, agriculture is less about understanding the relationships of the land, of stewarding the land, and is now more about success and failure. Successful agriculture dominates the practice to the extent that we’ve controlled in the finest detail the genesis of a single grain of rice. We can reliably expect through a series of linear inputs how much food we’ll get from our efforts.
But what does this focus on the future look like in practice? It’s almost barbaric what we do to our foods, and what we put in our bodies in the name of productivity. Endless pesticides, and herbicides, and inputs all from fossil fuels. Automation, centralization, and attenuation of products until everything is uniform, predictable, and boring. We’re willing to risk our youth and their development in order to develop a marketable product to the masses, one bereft of the randomness that makes life interesting. We take this industrial approach and inject it into every aspect of our lives.
For the consenting adult, perhaps it’s permissible. For the child who knows no better, it’s an unforgivable trespass, and an undeniable violation of human rights. Our systems that raise our children are so often focused on the future child, the child not yet becoming, the child that represents the perfect state solution, that they forget the child in the present. There are no boundaries that can stop this system from invading so many parts of a child’s life.
From conception children are assessed against milestones. In their childhood they’re judged against standards. In school they’re pitted against one another. In adolescence they’re treated with disdain, and infantilized. Every step of the way children are rarely trusted to be the directors of their own lives. They are rarely given the opportunity to focus on who they are now, constantly bombarded with questions of who they want to be within a narrow definition of who it is okay to become. We take away their time and their liberty in service to a future that may never come to be.
And yet, everything we do for and to our children, and everything we refrain from doing has impact. Psychiatrist Bruce D. Perry writes:
“The brain is built—our selves are built—from millions of tiny decisions—some conscious, most not. Seemingly irrelevant choices can result in tremendously different later outcomes. Timing is everything. We don’t know when the smallest choice, or “stimuli,” will push a developing brain onto the path of genius, or onto the highway to hell. I want to stress that this doesn’t mean that parents have to be perfect. But it’s important to know that young children are extraordinarily susceptible to the spiraling consequences of the choices we—and later they—make, for good and for ill.”
We owe it to ourselves and to our children to fill our present with the highest quality of stimuli. Whether that be self-directed pursuits in things of their interests, or high quality foodstuffs, or loving deep relationships. It’s not the quality of the information that children receive that will help them address the potential problems of the future, but the constitution they have built over the years from interacting with their own realities. The best we can do for our children is build environments full of the diversity of values and perspectives that we believe shape better futures, and then let those children grow in these environments.
But we ought never to be mistaken that any set future exists. Rather than focus our efforts on anxieties on probabilities, we need to refocus on our present. Every moment fully present with our children, full of love, full of wonder for all they bring into the world is something that will positively shape them for the rest of their lives. Every opportunity we give children to use their creativity to explore and shape their own present, will imprint on them an unshakeable resolve to do great things as they grow. Rather than focus on their success and failures, we ought to focus on children for the amazing creatures they are: unique, ever-changing, relentlessly curious, and often unending sources of inspiration. We often say that our children are our future. It’s about time we stop taking away the present from them.
Here are some photos and videos from our latest escapades! Many of them from our most recent harvest festival. Be sure to keep a lookout for our newest events soon.