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執筆者の写真: Fred LauerFred Lauer



- ジョン・ミューア


- レイチェル・カーソン









“And into the forest I go, to lose my mind and find my soul”

- John Muir

“A child’s world is fresh and new and beautiful, full or wonder and excitement."

- Rachel Carson

I began writing this post after some thought about a few founders of modern environmentalism. Environmentalists like John Muir, and Rachel Carson seemed drawn to the inexplicable qualities of nature, while championing for their protection. Both spent their formative years outdoors in deep communion with nature. From these experiences they helped write a land ethic that endures to this day, not only in America, but in many ways throughout the world. After a day outside, there is an indelible sense of wonder, which, though it dulls in our day to day occupations can always resurface with enough time spent outdoors. For us at Kamui Kids, children are the portal to our buried memories, and their inextinguishable curiosity, alongside seemingly boundless energy, helps bring us adults closer to the wonders of the world we inhabit.

During our second session, we shared the day with a few parents, enjoying discussions about the philosophical underpinnings of our work, our values, and how remarkable all the children we serve are. As we heated water for hot chocolate, and a hot iron to make some grilled cheese sandwiches, one parent asked, “What do you think about the children here, who are so immersed in playing with the fire?”

Taking a moment to consider the children, some of whom were watching embers crawl down a stick, while others noted how the wind carried smoke away and with it heat, I answered a bit about how rare it seems these days to see children so wholly immersed in one type of play. My experience in early childcare centers made me consider how even more unlikely it might be for them to do so for such an extended period of time. In an era of distractions, where many children are over-stimulated, it sometimes seems rare to watch a child just be with their object of wonder for any given time. And, with over-regimented, highly structured approaches to childhood, it often seems as though a child’s play is interrupted just as they begin to experience flow. Here, in the forest, with Kamui Kids, we do our best to avoid interrupting children and see where their interests take their play.

Today we decided to make some forest friends. As it had already started to rain, and would rain all day, we worked together with the children to prepare our fire. To make our friends we headed off into the woods in search of the perfect parts. The children seemed enamored with the leaves on the forest floor, how big and small they were, and how they differed in shape. Mushrooms on a rotting stump provided a great opportunity to teach some words in English, as we discussed their size. We even found some fallen beehives, which the children inspected with great interest. In these woods, we were able to give the children some space to wander on their own, and they willingly walked ahead, enjoying the scenery.

Back at the fire we enjoyed snacks and crafted some interesting forest friends! Some stayed friends all day, but there was at least one disagreement (here we see one of our children in a spirited dispute).

The afternoon was all about water. Our staff were a bit hesitant to let the kids be so wet, but their rain gear and boots kept them dry inside, and they spent hours climbing, splashing, and walking in the small stream in the park.

At the end of the day we once again enjoyed some hot chocolate, and the children enjoyed playing with the water that was shedding off the top of our tarp.

We spend a long time outdoors, but for many of us we want to stay out longer. With great company, laughter, and the sights and sounds of the woods the day passes quickly and joyfully. For now, we look forward to welcoming the snow that we hope falls soon. We cannot wait to see how the children play in our next session!





Kamui Kids

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