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執筆者の写真Frederick Lauer

カムイ キッズウィンターギアガイド 2022-2023

※English Follows Japanese





















  • 耳を覆う暖かい帽子。 年長のお子さんには、ウールか合成繊維でできていて、ニット帽のような耳を覆うことができる帽子で十分です!これらの帽子は、小さいお子さんにフィットさせてあげられる方法があり、暖かく保つこともできます。以下はその一例です。

  • 風が強いときは、スカーフやフェイスカバーも。バラクラバタイプのフェイスカバーも良いですね。小学生向けはこちら:それ以下の子供向けはこちら:

  • 暖かいベースレイヤー、ミッドレイヤー、防水ジャケットとスノーパンツ。できれば、信頼できるメーカーから購入することを強くお勧めします。モンベルやパタゴニアなどのブランドはかなり高価ですが、お子さんにとって大きな違いになります。メリカリなどの中古品販売では、お子さんにぴったりの品が見つかるかもしれません。以下は、評判の良いメーカーのものです。

  • 暖かい手袋を少なくとも2組、できれば防水性のあるものを。綿の手袋や、ウールの簡易手袋は、すぐに濡れて使えなくなりますので、お子さんには着せないでください。この手袋が安くていいらしいです:

  • 靴下の替えを数枚。可能であれば、保温性の高い靴下を用意するようにしましょう。綿は濡れると保温性がなくなるので避けてください。ウールや化学繊維のハイキング用ソックスが最適です。ソックスの例:

  • 断熱材と防水ブーツ。ジッパーがあるブーツの場合、ジッパーも何らかの方法で防水加工されていないもの限り避けた方がよいでしょう。雪が溶けてブーツに浸入し、かなり早く足が濡れることになります。2足以上お持ちの方は、2足目も準備しておくことを強くお勧めします。防水性があり、履きやすく、雪を遮断し、快適であれば大丈夫です。少し値が張りますが、ブーツのブランドとしてはSorelを強くお勧めします:

  • 白い雪は太陽の光を反射し、目の疲れや頭痛を引き起こすことがあるので、サングラスも素晴らしいアクセサリーです。このようなスキーゴーグルも効果的です:






Playing outdoors in winter can be a challenge, especially when the cold and wet tend to make even the most adventurous adults wary of going outside. However, playing outdoors in winter is also incredibly fun! For children, being comfortable while outdoors is a must for long, uninterrupted hours of play. Thankfully, it’s pretty easy to prepare your child so that they can enjoy the day without much discomfit. This blog will introduce the basics of outdoor winter gear, and provide a few suggestions for you to purchase easily online.

The key to a comfortable winter play experience is modularity. It’s best to dress your children in layers so they can adjust as they play. Believe it or not, being outdoors in winter can be a pretty sweaty endeavor! But sweating in winter leads to a quick drop in body temperature when children stop playing. Finding the perfect temperature requires wearing clothes that allow you to adjust.

For your upper body, we recommend a warm, sweat-wicking base layer (wool or synthetics, absolutely no cotton), an insulative mid-layer (synthetic fleece, wool, or down), and an outdoor shell that is waterproof and windproof. Finally, to stay even warmer when play is finished, a fourth layer, such as a warm-down jacket that can go over everything is recommended for when children stop playing.

For your lower body, a similar system of a sweat-wicking base layer, and waterproof/windproof outer is recommended. You can add an insulative layer if your child needs more warmth.

It’s important to look at the weather forecast to make sure you’re not overdressing your child. Being too warm in winter is just as problematic as being too cold.

Here is a quick list that will make sure that your child has a fun time outdoors. These are all just suggestions.

  1. A warm hat that covers their ears. Ones like these, with a way to secure them to your younger child, are great ways to keep them warm: for older children, any hat that is made either from wool or synthetics that can cover their ears, like a beanie, should suffice! Here is just one example:

  2. A scarf or face covering should the weather be windy. A balaclava-type face covering is great too, like this one for elementary school-aged students: or this one for younger children:

  3. A warm base layer, mid-layer, and waterproof jacket and snow pants. I highly recommend investing in gear from a reputable seller, if you can. Brands like Mont Bell or Patagonia can make all the difference for your child, though they can be quite expensive. Try Mericari or similar used goods retailers to find some lightly used ones for your child. Here are some more from some reputable makers , and ones we have personally used: for toddlers: for a coverall type up to 110cm: for older boys: for older girls:

  4. At least two pairs of warm gloves, preferably waterproof. Please do not let your children wear cotton gloves, or simple wool gloves, as they will quickly become wet and unusable.

  5. A few changes of socks. Also, if possible try to provide insulative socks. Avoid cotton, as it loses all of its insulative properties when wet. The best socks are wool or synthetic fiber hiking socks. Here are few suggestions: 1) 2) 3)

  6. Waterproof boots with insulation. Avoid boots that have zippers, unless the zippers are also waterproofed in some way. Snow melts and infiltrates the boot, leading to wet feet pretty quickly. If you have more than one pair, bringing a second pair is highly recommended. As long as they are waterproof, easy to cinch close and block out snow, and comfortable they should be fine! I highly recommend Sorel as a brand of boots, though they are a bit pricey:

  7. Sunglasses are also a great accessory, as the white snow can reflect the sun leading to fatigued eyes, and sometimes headaches. A pair of ski goggles like these work well too:

As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you happen to buy any of these suggested products, your purchases will directly support our work at Kamui Kids. We hope you found something you love!

Finally, if you want to give your child a wonderful winter play experience, bring them to any one of our sessions throughout the snowy season! We’d love to have you there. Register here:

And, as always, here are a few photos and videos!





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