アキラ S. リチャーズ - 自由人の育て方


In open waters on a duct-taped raft
You cannot raise any child without the input of that child. You cannot be the best teacher or guide for that young learner if you are deciding for them instead of with them. You and I must see partnering with young people as personal leadership work, social justice work, not just educational activism. This is bigger than that. This is about power, about reimagining it by taking it out of the context of power-over and applying it to our deliberate efforts to raise and be people who know how to share our power and how not to stand in the way of someone else’s power.
Akilah S. Richards – Raising Free People
I was sitting next to a child yesterday in the lunchroom at an elementary school who looked pensive, and deep in thought. At first, I thought perhaps she was anxious about something, or had just been admonished for something. I asked her, and she said she was simply excited. She was excited because it was a day that the 3rd graders and 5th graders got to spend time together in the gym. A time called “furiai no jikan”. The prospect of a full stomach, apple jell-o, and time out of class meant little compared to this rare moment she would have to spend with other children. I moved to my seat, and asked another child about their upcoming special time with the upper class, and likewise they were excited to see a friend they often played volleyball with.
In the wake of the Coronavirus Pandemic, many schools cracked down on almost anything children were allowed to do with other children, in order to reduce exposure to discrete classrooms and age groups. Where I work the gym was put on rotation and children had to use it with others in their same classrooms. The lunchroom was deemed too dense with children, and everyone was forced to spread out. Lunch time is no longer the jovial period it used to be, for two years now it’s been a stressful time. Children sit side by side, with an ever watchful adult at the head of the table cautioning children against talking, moving, or eating in certain ways. Children have little power in the schools, during lunch-time, or now even to meet with friends from other age groups.
These children spend copious amounts of time together in school, a place that many praise for its ability to foster a social atmosphere. They spend upwards of seven to 8 hours or more every day in the school, and yet their socializing is almost entirely up to the purview of an adult. There is a correct way, and an incorrect way to interact with others. The children have no power.
How they socialize is also deeply regulated. There are rules. Sometimes there are so many rules that you just have to assume that anything a child does they are doing wrong. Within the first year or so of the schooling environment many children lose much of their sense of self, and become anxious, unsure of themselves, and come to depend more and more on teachers and other adult staff, who exercise control over nearly all aspects of their day. Children have scant time to socialize and create the society many laud as a central merit of schooling. The allure of school is often replaced by an ardent want to stay away from it.
Why is it that this massive, behemoth of a system is so unwilling to work with the child toward common goals? Are we really afraid that more freedom for children will lead to worse outcomes for them? At a time when every year, metrics that look at youth well-being drop precipitously, it seems like a ripe time to reconsider our approach to educating our youth. When more and more children leave the schooling system feeling unprepared, depressed, and ultimately without the success they were promised, perhaps it’s time we listen more deeply to their anxieties and concerns.
Just as there are no simple approaches to improving the state of our environment, there are no simple approaches to improving the education system. There are far too many stakeholders, and far too many opinions. For many stakeholders there are feelings of dread for the children who are to inherit the future. And there are endless amounts of experts, researchers, teachers, and other adults who proclaim to have the best approach to education: curriculum management, heavy testing, core curriculums, standardized lessons and learning content, new pedagogical approaches, and any number of other new buzzwords to fill the voids our anxieties have created.
But in the end, upstream from all these linear approaches to solving our educational problems, there are the children. The bright, jovial, quirky, unique, hilarious, complex children. And their progress to their futures is endlessly impeded by new dams built by anxious adults. Rather than allow the child to travel down a new tributary, to experience the depth and wonders of an unseen interest, we straighten their path and expedite their journey toward adulthood. But those other paths and interests didn’t disappear. They are gestalt in our contemporary society. They pull at us, and draw at us while we work. As adults, we see a path not taken and feel remorse at the loss. We arrive bereft of the experience of being human on a rickety raft, a patchwork put together without our consent, without any sense of direction as we’re thrust into the unknown of the future.
Perhaps children need to get lost from time to time, in order to build foundations for their journeys that they know fully. Perhaps they need to form their own fellowships for their own quests and learning. Perhaps they need to be given the power to create their own societal foundations, rules, and relationships and be given the space to learn from their failures on their paths toward finding their humanity. Perhaps they need the trust of adults so that when they express their concerns they’re taken seriously, and not diminished as simple artifacts of growing up. Children need their power as much as we adults need ours. They need adults as allies as much as we need them to guide our work and address our present circumstances. They need to be believed in, not controlled. Children have an enormous burden, but they’re strong enough to carry it, if only we give them the chance.
These wicked problems are often at the forefront of my thoughts throughout the day. My work in myriad educational contexts gives me some insight into the plights of our children today. Our work at Kamui Kids is really just record keeping (and a lot of clean-up)! We want to take note of how the children interact with one another, where their interests lie, how they’re growing, and where our approach to them is insufficient. It is a fulfilling work, with endless challenges, but our ever present motto is: the children know themselves best. There are no forced experiences, no admonishments, and we do not overpraise. We simply stand in wonder of the children in the hopes that they’ll carry wonder throughout the rest of their lives, on whatever raft or yacht they build, so that when they find themselves adrift in the ocean of society they know their own headings, traveling not with anxiety, but with excitement and inquisitiveness about the unknown.
Here are a few pictures and videos from our last sessions. We spent a day in the forest after some heavy rains, and then enjoyed a dip in an icy cold river!