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私は正直言って、驚きと誇りを抑えきれませんでした。正直言って、驚きと誇りを抑えきれなかった! 完全に驚かされたのです。標本の為の昆虫採集の話はしたことがないばかりか、作りたいと言ったことすらありませんでした。しかも、専門的な道具があるわけでもないのに、よくぞやってくれたという感じです。 聞いてみると、村の教育長が同じような作業をしているのを見て、自分もやってみたいと思ったそうです。









"The thing I remember best about successful people I've met all through the years is their obvious delight in what they're doing and it seems to have very little to do with worldly success. They just love what they're doing, and they love it in front of others."

Fred Rogers

One of my personal heroes is Fred Rogers. He was an exceptional person, incredibly gifted, selfless, and dedicated to making the world a better place. In the age of television he saw a double-edged sword: the opportunity to reach and do better for children, and an increase in programming that was detrimental to the child. Fred created a television show that touched millions in America and throughout the world, and became a champion for the voice of children everywhere.

He had a simple motivation, but a difficult job, because his approach seems antithetical to what many consider appropriate for children. Fred was not an instructor, or a teacher, but children learned from him. He did not lecture or proselytize, he simply wove stories and brought children into them by talking to them directly through the camera. He created television programs that thought deeply about how children experience language and feelings, and he filmed himself in as natural a demeanor as possible. He wanted to show children that mistakes happen, and that even adults make them. And, he brought guests who loved what they did on his show, not to give children an idea of what to do in the future, but simply to remind them that doing what you love can lead to great success.

Fred’s approach is a far cry from how many view early childhood learning these days. Sometimes it seems we cannot trust a child’s instinct, and so we shower them with information, in hopes that they may someday find something that provides them not only joy, but security. We tell children why they should be interested in the subjects we teach them, but we often don’t inquire whether they feel any motivation to learn about them. Indeed, many would say that interest and motivation are secondary to the importance of the materials to be covered/learned. But if the child has no interest, and no motivation, the research is pretty clear that there’s little to no learning happening. If the science about learning is clear about anything at all, it’s that there is no linear path to learning. Children learn in myriad, and complex ways, and we learn throughout our lives. Some children learn best through classroom experiences, while others learn far better and retain longer the things that they discover on their own terms. Learning happens best when we have the intrinsic motivation to learn, when our interests and goals are in alignment. And sometimes learning is serendipitous, an interest leads to research, which leads to an equally interesting line of inquiry that pulls us further, and deeper into our passions. And perhaps that’s why some people find all their lives meaning in the beauty of a hand-carved spoon, or the intricate patterns inside of a split rock. Children are nature’s mimics, and they watch closely what we do, carefully reproducing our actions sometimes before even understanding them. Try singing a song to a child and watch how their lips move in unison, even though they’re not yet able to properly pronounce some of the words. Or, take on a woodworking project, or whatever craft you’re interested in, and watch as the child asks for tools for their own project. Left to their own devices, and observations, you might be amazed at the things children produce without direct instruction. A functional (if not wobbly) table, for example. A children’s book with a deep story. A multi-story hotel for hamsters and bugs, or a cardboard mock-up of an aquarium, fully equipped with swimming orcas and jellyfish!. Children are most creative not when they’re taught what to do, but when they experiment on their own.

I was reminded of this during our last forest kindergarten session and following days in a rather extraordinary fashion. Hugo, my oldest son, had spent a good portion of the day with two small, blue plastic vials. He’d placed tissue paper inside, and was on a hunt for insects. Any insect was a permissible subject for his experiment. He caught horseflies, katydids, grasshoppers, beetles, and butterflies, and shoved them all into the blue vials with the tissue, checking from time to time whether or not they’d met their untimely demise. He was disappointed, and a little amazed, at how long they could live. When the bugs were still alive the next morning after a night of camping, he remarked, “how can they breathe if air cannot get inside?” He’d formed a valid hypothesis about how he might kill the bugs, and found evidence against his experiment. Something went wrong. The results didn’t meet his expectations. But it didn’t deter him. Sure enough, after a few days in a hot car (which is likely what did the insects in), Hugo had some inanimate insects ready for his next venture. That happened this morning, when for the better part of the morning Hugo was alone outside. I called for him in the house, until we heard the familiar sound of hammers, and nails on wood, and then after a few minutes Hugo came back inside with this: I honestly could not keep my surprise, nor pride inside myself! I was completely taken aback. Not only have we never discussed insect displays, he never even indicated he wanted to make one. And while he didn’t have the specialist tools to do it professionally, I’d say he did a damned good job regardless. I probed a bit, and he mentioned that he had seen our village’s head of education working on a similar project and had wanted to do it himself. That one moment of watching someone loving what they do was enough to spark an interest that led to two days of insect hunting, and a morning of display building. It also led to so much learning! These are the moments I look for, where an interest can be developed and explored more deeply. I don’t know anything about entomology, but I know I can partner with Hugo and learn a lot more through this experience as long as he stays motivated. We can learn together. I know that anything we try to do to learn more will be easier because of his intrinsic motivation, and that it might open doorways for other things he might be interested in.

Perhaps, while looking through a field guide, he will find the interest to read, in order to decipher more about the insects without my help. Perhaps he’ll apply any number of academic principles toward his goals to make even more displays. His questions might lead us to other experts that he can engage with socially. Or, he may end his journey with the insects at this display. But, for now he’s intimately engaged with his world, uses the tools around him, solves problems in creative ways, and makes things that defy expectations. To me, that’s more than enough. I think this is an honest childhood, one full of liberty to explore interests deeply, and one where learning is up to the discretion of the child. Perhaps one of the best things we can do for children is to simply do what we love and show them that doing what you love is not only okay, but essential.

Now, without further ado, here are a bunch of images from last week! We had some fun camping, and doing a practice setup for the summer sessions. It rained all night before a hot, and fun river play date on Sunday. We had a seriously good time though! Thanks to everyone who could attend.



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